3 Grand Prize Winners for “Mohon Dan Menang” campaign with Yayasan Ihsan Rakyat

The award ceremony was held in Menara Teo Chew for 3 winners of Yayasan Ihsan Rakyat (“YIR”) in conjunction with the “Mohon Dan Menang” campaign which took place from 1 October 2021 – 31 January 2022. The 3 winners took home the grand prizes comprising of the Y16ZR Motorcycle, Apple Ipad Air and Apple Watch worth RM18,000. In addition, Touch ‘n Go e-wallet were also given to 9 consolation winners during the campaign period.
RCE and YIR extend their gratitude to all customer who supported and made this campaign a success. Stay tuned for more exciting campaigns coming up by YIR!